Leadership, a success factor in the implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System





occupational health and safety management system, management documents, good practices, leadership, public entities


The Occupational Health and Safety Management System is made up of a set of interrelated elements (plans, programs, tools, bodies, etc.), with the aim of guaranteeing safe and healthy spaces for workers. In this case, the first diagnosis of the SGSST and the different initiatives developed by the Development Management of the Human Resources System of the National Civil Service Authority related to the implementation of said system in the public entities of our country are addressed. with the purpose of sharing positive results, opportunities for improvement and pending tasks.

Likewise, for a better understanding, the successful experience of the National Superintendency of Public Records in the implementation of its SGSST is presented, which was recognized at the “Meeting of good practices in SST for Public Sector entities” and disseminated for its replicability in the Conversation “Creating safe and healthy workspaces: Good practices for public entities.” It highlights the role and involvement of senior management as one of the most important factors in achieving the objectives linked to the proper functioning of the OSH Process that is part of the Administrative System for Human Resources Management of public entities.


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Author Biographies

Ana Nelly Calderón Tarrillo, Autoridad Nacional del Servicio Civil, Lima, Perú

Abogada por la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, con segunda especialidad en Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú y Máster en Prevención y protección de riesgos laborales por la Universidad de Alcalá, es Especialista del Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo en SERVIR.

Liliana Celina Andamayo Flores, Autoridad Nacional del Servicio Civil, Lima, Perú

Ingeniera Ambiental por la Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, con especialización en Sistemas Integrados de Gestión, egresada de la Maestría en Seguridad Industrial y Protección Ambiental, y del Doctorado en Ingeniería Ambiental por la Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, es Analista de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo en SERVIR


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How to Cite

Calderón Tarrillo, A. N., & Andamayo Flores, L. C. . (2023). Leadership, a success factor in the implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System. Saber Servir: Journal of the National School of Public Administration, (10), 6–34. https://doi.org/10.54774/ss.2023.10.01



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