“Nudges” for interventions in the Human Resources Policy





human resources, cognitive biases, civil servants, behavioral economics, decision making


This article shows some successful methodological tools that can be used in the innovation of the design and implementation of human resources policy decisions. behavioral economics draws on psychological research to explain systematic deviations from rational behavior and that, through the application of “nudges”, behavior can be influenced in a predictable way.

It is important to understand the psychological factors that exist behind the decisions of civil servants, as well as to conduct research that allows specific strategies to be applied based on evidence. The studies carried out by Daniel Kahneman, Amos Tversk, Herbert Simon, Richard Thaler, Cass Sunstein, The Behavioral Insights Team of the United Kingdom, the Government Laboratory of Chile and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) demonstrate this.

In this sense, some cognitive biases are described, with our own examples, referring to decisions in public management. It is proposed to apply behavioral science through the Do It EAST methodology, developed by The Behavioral Insights Team. It is recommended to use the prototype, test and pilot scheme for the design and implementation of interventions. Finally, the creation of a Government Research and Innovation Laboratory is proposed, which leads a process of change.


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Author Biography

Roque Walter Tejada Olivera, Organismo de Evaluación y Fiscalización Ambiental, Lima, Perú

Licenciado en Administración, egresado de la Maestría en Gobierno y Políticas Públicas de la PUCP. Experiencia en la implementación de decisiones de política tributaria, en la mejora y rediseño de procesos
de gestión pública. Consultor e investigador en el funcionamiento de los sistemas administrativos del Estado. Actualmente es especialista en OEFA.


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How to Cite

Tejada Olivera, R. W. (2023). “Nudges” for interventions in the Human Resources Policy. Saber Servir: Journal of the National School of Public Administration, (10), 67–88. https://doi.org/10.54774/ss.2023.10.04



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