The territorial articulation of tambos in the Amazon Region in 2020

La articulación territorial de los tambos en la Región Amazonas durante el año 2020


Franklin Junior Velásquez Lluén Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social, Lima, Perú

Territorial representation aims to improve the management of social programs in Peru, and the previous approach proposes that coordination between the different actors and levels of government is essential in the search for effective and efficient management.

In the Peruvian context, the territorial articulation is particularly important due to the geographical, social and cultural diversity of the country. The implementation of social programs in rural and remote areas can be particularly difficult due to a lack of infrastructure and resources. In view of this, the territorial articulation can be a significant contribution.

Therefore, the current investigation, carried out in 2020 in the Amazonas region, led us to propose the actions formulated —promoted by the tambo platforms and with the support of state institutions at various levels of government— have positive consequences which contribute to the improvement of the quality of life.



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Velásquez, F. J. (2021). La gestión del Concejo Regional para la mejora de la Articulación del Programa Nacional Plataformas de Acción Para la Inclusión Social-PAÍS, Región Amazonas – año 2020 [Tesis de Maestría, Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo]

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