Requirements for sending articles

Guidelines for authors

The Saber Servir Journal accepts for publication documents in Spanish that have not been published in physical or electronic media, nor accepted for publication in another journal:

  1. Research articles, which will be evaluated under the blind peer review system.
  2. Articles based on theses approved in the last two years and published in its institutional repository.
  3. Book reviews on public management and civil service.

This eleventh issue will prioritize topics related to the Peruvian civil service under the following lines of research:

  • Human resource management in public entities
  • Implementation of the civil service reform
  • Attracting and retaining talent in the public sector
  • Merit and suitability in the civil service
  • Public innovation for human resource management
  • Artificial intelligence and new technologies for human resource management

Authors should send the research article, thesis-based article, or review in MS Word format to the journal's email address: 


  1. Before submitting, please check the requirements checklist at the following link: Submission checklist      
  2. Authors should consider submitting a new collaboration after two issues since the last publication, in order to promote diversity in the journal.
  3. The article must be written in Spanish and have one to four authors maximum.

 Specific requirements according to the type of manuscript:

I. Original and unpublished research articles:

Manuscripts must be submitted in Word format (Arial 11 font, 1.5 line spacing) and must be between 3,500 and 9,000 words in length (including tables, figures, and bibliographical references). The topic must be aligned with one of the prioritized topics mentioned above. The structure of the manuscript must be as follows:

1. Presentation page: Full title of the work (Spanish and English), short summary of each of the authors (40-60 words) including name(s) and surname(s), institutional affiliation, academic degrees, current occupation, lines of research, ORCID ID (please process it if you do not have one), and email address. This page must also include: color photograph, ID, and telephone number.

2. First page: Full title of the paper (English and Spanish), abstract (maximum 200 words) and five keywords. The same indications in English (abstract and keywords). The abstract must express the objective of the study, its relevance, methodology, results and its contribution. Information about the authors should not be included on this page or on subsequent pages.

3. Text of the article: The research articles must follow the structure (IMRyD): introduction (including recent literature, theoretical framework and reference framework), methodology, results and its contribution. At the end of the text, bibliographical references must be included.

4. Citations and bibliographical references: The author is responsible for verifying the citations and bibliographical references. At the end of the document, the references must be placed alphabetically; do not include additional bibliography that is not cited in the text. You should review the ENAP APA7 Standards Guide for public servants at: 

Footnotes are used only for additional information. If they include any citations, these must conform to the APA 7th ed. style.

Short citations (less than 40 words) must be incorporated into the text and enclosed in double quotation marks (“ ”). For extensive citations (those exceeding 40 words) they must be placed in an independent block and not use any type of quotation marks. Secondary sources or citation of citations are used only in cases where the main source is not found. Excessive use of textual citations is not recommended; these should not exceed a quarter of the article.

5. Image presentation

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